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Department of Biology

Schedule of Course Offerings (Undergraduate)

CourseFall/SpringEven/Odd Years
1000  Intro to Biology MajorAllAll
1000 Honors Intro to Biology MajorFallAll
1030  Exploring LifeAllAll
1030  Honors Exploring LifeFallAll
1110  General BiologyAllAll
1110  Honors General BiologyFallAll
1120  General BiologyAllAll
1120  Honors General BiologySpringAll
2000  Orientation to the Medical LabFallEven
2010  Human A & P IAllAll
2020  Human A & P IIAllAll
2030  Anatomy & PhysiologyAllAll
2100  Microbiology in DiseaseAllAll
2230  MicrobiologyAllAll
2230  Honors MicrobiologySpringAll
3000  Life Sci for Elem TeachersAllAll
3010  Embryology SpringEven
3020  Comp Anatomy of Vert FallAll
3040  Entomology  (5040)FallOdd
3050  Parasitology  (5050)SpringAll
3060  Diversity of Eukaryotic LifeAllAll
3150 Radiation BiologyFallAll
3210  Env MicrobiologySpringAll
3250  GeneticsAllAll
3250  Honors GeneticsFallAll
3340  Human PathophysiologySpringAll
3350  Principles of Radiation in MedicineSpringAll
3400  EcologyAllAll
3400  Honors EcologySpringAll
3500  EvolutionAllAll
4080  Mycology  (6080)FallEven
4090  Forest Ecology (6090)FallOdd
4110  Gen Physiology AllAll
4130  Histology FallAll
4140  Invertebrate Zoology  (5140)SpringEven
4170  Endocrinology  (5170)SpringAll
4180  Vertebrate Zoology  (5180)FallAll
4200  Senior SeminarAllAll
4210  Cell & Molecular Biol  AllAll
4220  Ichthyology  (5220)FallEven
4270  Trans Electron Micro  (6410)SpringAll
4280  Research (POD)AllAll
4290  Scanning Elec Microsp  (6290)FallAll
4300* Immunology  (6380)AllAll
4310  Cardio-Renal PhysiologySpringOdd
4350  Biometry AllAll
4360  Ener Disp X-Ray Anal  (6360)SpringAll
4375 Forensic TaphonomyFallAll
4390  Ethology  (5390)SpringOdd
4420  Plant Ecology & Evolution (5420)SpringOdd
4430  Diagnostic Microbiology  (6430)AllAll
4440  General Virology  (6440)FallAll
4450  Molecular Genetics  (6450)AllAll
4460  Human Genetics  (5460)SpringAll
4500  Plant Physiology  (5500)SpringAll
4510  Food/Ind Microbiology  (5510)AllAll
4550* Biotechnology AllAll
4560  Neurobiology  (5560)FallAll
4570  Principles of Tox  (5570)SpringAll
4580  Marine Biology  (5580)SpringOdd
4590  Environ Tox  (6590)FallOdd
4720  Animal Development  (6720)SpringAll
4730  Microb Phys & Biochem  (6730)SpringEven
4770 Biostatistical Programming (5770)SpringEven

*XL with FSBI

Note:  The following courses are not currently offered, or are offered on an occasional basis.
BIOL 4070 – Economic Botany
BIOL 4260 – Nature Study
BIOL 4330 – Biome Analysis
BIOL 4540 – Topics in Environmental Education
BIOL 4750 – Plant Biotechnology
BIOL 4760 – Introduction to Bioinformatics

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Department Office | Science Building, Room 2044
Office Hours |  M - F   8:00 - 4:30
Phone | 615-898-2847
Fax | 615-898-5093
Email |