Department of Biology
Student Organizations
Biology Club
Faculty Advisor – Dr. Donald Walker
The Biology Club is the oldest student organization on the MTSU campus. It is open to ALL students. You do not need to be a Biology major or minor. There are NO dues! Activities are dependent on the members and officers. Outdoor recreation, bowling, miniature golf, pizza parties and fund raising through recycling have all been a part of the biology club experience.
Black Students in Medicine
Faculty Advisor – Dr. Danielle Brown
BSM is an organization to prepare, guide, and provide underrepresented black students with vital information and opportunities to help them succeed on their journey to becoming exceptional health professionals.
Delta Delta Sigma
Delta Delta Sigma (DDS) is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing careers in Dentistry and Dental Hygiene. DDS meets twice per month during the spring and fall semesters. Dentists, Dental School recruiters, Dental Hygienists speak to the club about their experiences, schools, and give valuable information to pre-dental and pre-dental hygiene students. DDS is involved in community source projects and takes trips to Dental and Dental Hygiene schools. For more information, contact Dr. Anthony Newsome .
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students
Faculty Advisor – Dr. Danielle Brown
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students is a student organization at MTSU. Our organization is for all pre-medical and pre-health occupational students.
Faculty Advisor – Dr. Preston MacDougall (Chemistry)
Prescripts is a pre-professional organization for students pursuing careers in the Health Sciences. This club meets the 2ND and 4TH Wednesday of every month during the spring and fall semesters. Guest such as Pharmacists, Physicians, and Recruiters give valuable information to the club about their experiences, schools, programs, and opportunities. Prescripts in involved in community service projects and take trips to professional schools.
Student National Medical Association
Faculty Advisor –
The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is the oldest and largest medical student organization dedicated to advancing healthcare in underserved communities. A SNMA chapter was installed at MTSU during the 2000 fall semester. SNMA membership is open to anyone interested in health care as a career, regardless of race, age, handicap, or religious preference. SNMA membership provides opportunities for pre-healthcare professional students to gain first-hand knowledge about professional school admission requirements through lectures by local and regional health-care providers, and visits to local and regional health-care training programs.
BGSA – Biology Graduate Student Association
Graduates Only
The BGSA was formed in the spring of 2007 as a forum to build community among graduate students while also establishing an avenue of communication with the biology department and college of graduate students. Officers of the organization meet with Dr. Mullen to report relevant issues presented at the BGSA meetings. All graduate students are members of this organization and are greatly encouraged to participate in organizing social, as well as, educational events in order to enhance the graduate experience at MTSU. For information concerning the BGSA please contact Dr. Chris Herlihy.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
Graduates Only
Graduate students are eligible for admission (associate member status) to the MTSU Sigma Xi Chapter. Sigma Xi is a professional society that admits researchers from a wide range of scientific disciplines. Students interested in becoming members should indicate their interest to a faculty member who is a Sigma Xi member.
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May 2023 Biology Study Abroad - Costa Rica!
Department Office | Science Building, Room 2044
Office Hours | M - F 8:00 - 4:30
Phone | 615-898-2847
Fax | 615-898-5093
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