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Department of Biology

Biology Safety Committee

Laboratory safety in the Department of Biology is coordinated by the Biology Safety Committee in conjunction with the Chair of the Department of Biology and Environmental Health and Safety.  All personnel that work in laboratories within the Department of Biology must complete the Safe Colleges safety training course as explained in Departmental Safety Training

The Professor in charge of the laboratory you are working in will give you a safety overview and the following MTSU Biology Student Safety Contract for Laboratory Research as is or modified by the Professor you are working with should be signed before research commences in the laboratory.

MTSU Biology Student Safety Contract for Laboratory Research

The following two safety links from Environmental Health and Safety should be reviewed by anyone working in research laboratories.

Any questions concerning laboratory safety should be addressed to the Chair of the Department of Biology

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May 2023 Biology Study Abroad - Costa Rica!

Department Office | Science Building, Room 2044
Office Hours |  M - F   8:00 - 4:30
Phone | 615-898-2847
Fax | 615-898-5093
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